Saturday, February 6, 2010

Junk Boats, Florida How Do I Dispose Of A Junk Boat In Florida?

How do I dispose of a junk boat in Florida? - junk boats, florida

I sank a boat and I live in Tampa Bay. I must get rid of him, but you do not know who to call, or whatever. If someone can me this information I would appreciate it. Thank you!


tc_an_am... said...

Captian Well, if you have the title, is very easy to get rid of it. You can take the 5 points of interest disposial county. If you live in the province.
Community Collection Centers are used for items from the collection for private clients who have an exemption from selection on the sidewalk get-ups, and other souvenirs for non-residential customers. All Community Collection Centers are open from Monday to Saturday from 7.30 am clock-5: 30 Clock, except Wimauma, which is from 7.30 am to 5 pm

Adviser Fund Ford, 9402 SR 39, Lithia, phone: 757-3820. Accepted waste collection, waste removal, scrap metal, tires and lead acid batteries.

Hillsborough Heights Fund, 6209 CR 579, Thonotosassa, Phone: 744-5533. Accepted waste collection, waste collection, waste tires, motor oil, lead acid batteries, and recyclables at the curb.

North-West County, 8001 W. Linebaugh Ave., Telephone: 264-3816. Accepted waste collection, waste collection, yard waste, used tires, motor oil, insulating lead acid --ERIE and recyclables at the curb.

Fund for the South County, 13000 U.S. 41 north of Big Bend Road, Tel: 671-7611. Accepted waste collection, waste collection, yard waste, old tires, motor oil and lead acid batteries.

Wimauma Facility, 16,180 West Lake Drive (1.5 miles north of SR 674), phone: 671-7706. Accepted waste collection, waste collection, yard waste, old tires, motor oil and lead acid batteries.

If you live in the area of the city:
McKay Bay Transfer Station
112 South 34th Street
Phone: 813-242-5320

Free Cargo acceptable conditions (see Note):

* Appliances (2) per visit
* TV (2) per visit
* Sorting of waste (no stumps over 100 lbs. Or members of more than 4 m in length)
Tires (4) per visit
* Furniture and Mattresses

TOR accepted) with payment in cash (see Note:

* Commercial Waste Regulation
* Delivery Vehicles
* Large quantities of elements that seem to comeDisplay
* Rubble: bricks, tiles, concrete, plywood, roofing, gypsum, etc.
* Garbage
* Joint income tax expense and related items
* Much of the automobile --
* Carpet

Opening times:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7.00-5.30

Wednesday, Saturday 8.00-4.30

Closed Sunday

Gunner00... said...

12guage take and make a hole in what we take care of your problem

dawn1841... said...

be drawn to the sea and sink.

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