Thursday, January 28, 2010

Witches At The Stake Generally Speaking, How Many Women Have Been Burned At The Stake As Accused Witches?

Generally speaking, how many women have been burned at the stake as accused witches? - witches at the stake

Recorded since the earliest times to today, how many women were burned at the stake, accused of witchcraft?


Mo' Monkeyhead said...

I've started some information about a specific time, but since the date of registration would be difficult because there are no records of any woman to be burned.

# Witch Hunt (1400-1800)

* Wertham: 20,000
* Jenny Gibbons [... quote:
or Levack: 60,000
Or Hutton: 40,000
or Barstow: 100,000, but his reasoning) is wrong (too high.
* Davies, Norman, A History of Europe: 50,000
* Rummel: 100,000
* Killed Bethancourt: The killing of witches, 628 lists with names and 268,331 unnamed witches in December 2000 and estimated 20,000 to 500,000 people were killed as witches. [ ...

# Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834)

Quoted in Will Durant, The Reformation (1957):
and Juan Antonio Llorente, General Secretary of the Inquisition from 1789 to 1801 estimated that 31,912 were executed, 1480-1808.
o In contrast to the high estimation above, Durant, who threw his support down the following estimates:
Hernando +Pulgar, secretary to Queen Elizabeth, 2000 burned before 1490th
+ An anonymous Catholic historian, "some 2,000 burned, 1480-1504 and 2000 burned, 1504-1758.
* PGtH: 8,800 deaths by burning, 1478-1496
* Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church (1910): 8800 at 18 years of Torquemada burned. (ACC2 Buckle and Friedländer)
* Motley, the height of the Dutch Republic: 10.220 burned in 18 years of Torquemada
* Britannica: 2000
* Manual Aletheia, burned the rationalist 35,534.
* Fox's Book of Martyrs, Ch.IV: 32,000 burned
Paul Johnson * History of the Jews (1987): 32,000 k. ago by burning, 20,226 K. 1540

The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! said...

The number is not known. However, during the witch hunts were a total of not more than 100,000 burned at the stake. And it is in Europe.

Against this, the historians can only speculate.

There were a few hundred or so in Nigeria, "sorcery" run, but not all of them were women. What is actually happening right now.

Karma of the Poodle said...

The exact number will never be known. Many people from all cultures have some kind of "religious cleansing" had - "witch hunt" since the first story written by Chinese and Egyptians. Fear, ignorance, greed and ego, thousands, millions of people were burned, mutilated, tortured or killed by religious beliefs of their arguments. Even in the early stages of Christianity, the Christians were allegedly the same way during the reign of Emperor Nero. 'S It is perceived as a threat to their own beliefs to explain, as a god named Zeus.
The Inquisistion was similar throughout Europe and spread like wildfire. The Archbishop of the Roman papacy has said that the devil was in the country and its people from the church en masse, and not the glory of God is widespread. That is to withdraw when the Roman Empire began the most of their currency reserves and transfer of land to the church. He refused to pay his soldiers and people. At that time, the new science, the knowledge of astronomy and technology with new Mathmatics was re -very popular. With people coming to church, pay tithes, or gifts, as before, the church was always loses a foot in the city and the monarchy. To increase the conversion and to maintain their position, while the archbishop said that because parasites "gods" in the world, it was clear he had his back and the reason was to demons and witchcraft in their communities. To ensure that these were so-called "possessed by demons and witches," taken to "clean" or be destroyed and that "good Christians" were here and be rewarded in heaven, the payment after the test is given. If the person after a portion of the property has died, divided by the Prosecutor and the church. The churches are part of an offer to God to see her smile. In fact, the point was made that the church and the people greedy and selfish piousy disappeared, many small towns, villages and lines of the family. When he started,or slow, and people arrived at rules crowded church, farther from the Inquisition, the American colonies beginning. In the early years of the Inquisition, the majority of cases of torture and death in the dungeons and private sectors. Later, to prove that these people really "inquisition" and its use as an example for the rest of the community that if you do not follow God's rules and regulations, what will happen!
Do not get me wrong, many of them still private. Especially women. Not far from the fact that convenience, but for reasons of sadistic or indecent. Galileo and other scientists who were inventors, and the alchemists of his time brought the Inquisition and died of his detailed studies. Say exactly who died at the stake for witchcraft would be difficult, by the mere fact that certain small monasteries and Kirk was raised to tell to do the same. You can consult
Inquisition (which was not only in Spain but throughout Europe)
Ethnic cleansing
Genocide (which was not only Jews and cbad events in Asia and Africa). ... ...
And what are some tools that you use .....
Thousands of innocent people by the people who consider their faith to be absolutely perfect, killed, and would even preach love, tolerance and peace. But what have they done behind closed doors constantly surprised. Probably very few witches "true" were burned or killed by the result, but only a little more.

Alorer said...

Well, I can tell you that the Middle Ages than 60,000 people: death under the false accusation of witchcraft. Add a few thousand accused of heresy. In fact, the overwhelming, because he was under the law the accuser, the fate of the defendants were charged. So, yes ....

Thalia said...

Unknown. Do not keep all records of the Middle Ages or the back of the Middle Ages.

The burning of witches actually began in the days of ancient Rome when the empire was forced to convert to Christianity. Pagan priests, priestesses, and philosophers have been accused of witchcraft by the crowd.

Lanosrep "Bo Pilgrim" Noitamrofn... said...

Are not sure an exact number, but there were other ways to do this ...

When cast into a river. If they drowned, after he knew she was a witch and burned at the stake.

If they drowned, after knowing that she was a witch.

In any case, she was sentenced.

breyet_l... said...

far, far back, was a view of St. Joan of Arc in France, as a witch, and hear the voices of the saints burned. It seems that if church leaders were wrong.
Jesus did not fire anyone, he said: "He who is without sin cast the first stone, Jesus is not accusatory, but a Savior.

Val said...

There were 1346 men, women and children burned alive in my area only. Including my gggggrandmother to a healer. A sweet old lady helps the sick. The Christians stole our holiday, we have stolen our sacred sites and burned alive. I hate the fairy of the Christian heaven, and that is my culture. Have shown that they are bad.

The practice of the shaman ... Rocks of quantum physics

clusium1... said...

Somewhere in the thousands.

Only in the Middle Ages, over a longer period of superstition, following the spread of the pest.

Frankie said...

I have no idea of the figure, but is far and children were burned by the same reason. Lack of understanding has led to many atrocities for centuries.

Plus Size Angel said...
Nobody really knows. Even today, people are tortured and killed as witches in the world. Edit abortion What the hell are you doing here? The fetus feels no pain and terror as "witches" have!

Aingeal said...

It is not known, but many people like to exaggerate the number

Gallivanting Galactic Gadfly said...

Hard to say, there was little evidence left of the

God's servant said...

Nobody knows

waygoddo... said...

I'm sure not where almost 45000000 babies burned with saline solution into the uterus of mothers irresponsible.

Booth said...

Only 5 cases are known.

TEH TYME KITTEH =^..^= said...

Only 1 Most were hanged

Fireball said...

Also ... Google to find out

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