Saturday, January 2, 2010

Manic Depressive Illness How Sedative Is The Effect Of The Medication For Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive Illness)?

How sedative is the effect of the medication for bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)? - manic depressive illness

Recently I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive illness). The medications I called lamotrigine and sertraline.
I take 50 mg of sertraline per day. I take the dose of lamotrigine is increasingly larger. The doctor said that one can expect that their effect at 200 mg per day.
However, one of the listed side effects they can have what I read, is "cognitive buffer" which is basically a good way to say you have a calming effect.
For my professional life I am a PhD student, I would like to be as sharp as can be, and I fear that these drugs can take advantage of me, and I have a little 'zombie spirit.
Affect how someone with little experience of lamotrigine, sertraline, or how calm and how their scientific work would be?
Thank you in advance for your answers.


fiVe said...

I experienced cognitive side effects of Lamictal when I was in a higher dose, but the stabilization of me. I understand the desire to stay. But what has struck me that if I have more drugs than I can not think clearly not, because there are too many things in my head. Then, when I too medical, I could not think clearly because there are not enough things in my head. It is a matter of finding the right balance of medication for you, and it takes a lot of patience. Good luck.

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