Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hanging Wedgie Stories What Is Your Worst Wedgie Story ?

What Is Your Worst Wedgie Story ? - hanging wedgie stories

My little brother gets on my nerves and I bet I could run until the end of the road and back again before he could. The loser gets 3 wedgie and still wanted the victory. I was sure I could win because it is a slow runner. As I drove well, I tripped and hit me. He saved up my hands to his sides and his legs so that I could not resist. The first was a hanging wedgie and made me carry the boxes. It hung on a tree with a fishing rod for about 30 seconds. The second was an Atomic Wedgie and underwear, with over my head for about 20 seconds for grandma underwear. The third was a sports block, and I was there for about 2 minutes!
What is your worst wedgie story?


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